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Dragon Aqua SE Club

Although the Dragon Aqua Club team did not complete the 100km with 10 people, but rather with 14, we think it is also a significant sports achievement, and even if they don't get a medal, it is definitely worth mentioning, mainly because of how they organized it.

 The team organized the competition together with a traditional Hungarian family sausage filling, also thinking about energy replacement with traditional Hungarian pastry😊

The distance was covered in just over 14 hours. Congratulations to the team members again, and we would like some of the sausages!😊


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Kayak 100km leaderboard

  1. [HU] ESMTK (7h 28m 32s 56ms)
  2. [HU] UTE (7h 54m 00s 31ms)

Dragon 100km leaderboard

  1. [HU] Rába Dragon Boat Club (9h 37m 28s 13cs)
  2. [HU] Szeged Dragon Boat Club (10h 59m 33s 84ms)