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Raba Dragon Boat Club

On the 31st of October Raba Dragon Boat Club quickly broke the firstly established record of Szeged Dragon Boat Club and not just by a little! The adult team was supported and motivated by the U18 team of the club to achieve a 1 hour and 22 minutes better result.

They finished with a very good time, and half of the team members were ladies! The new 100km record is as good, that for sure won't be broken with a similar time difference. Soon we will see, how long will the record remain, as there are already applicants to break it...

Find images and videos on our Facebook page!

The new record below: 

  • 9 hours 37 minutes 28 seconds 13 centiseconds [9h 37m 28s 13cs] 
  • average speed 10,4km/h
  • average tempo 5:47 min/1000m

Rába Dragon Boat Club (Rába Sárkányhajó Club) team members:

  • Szabolcs Turóczi (captain) (m)
  • Vivien Nagy (wm)
  • Réka Farkas (wm)
  • Barbara Bilstein (wm)
  • Laura Tóth (wm)
  • Márk Czéh (m)
  • Patrik Kovács (m)
  • János Bulik (m)
  • Csaba Nagy (m)
  • Attila Szitás (m)

Kayak 100km leaderboard

  1. [HU] ESMTK (7h 28m 32s 56ms)
  2. [HU] UTE (7h 54m 00s 31ms)

Dragon 100km leaderboard

  1. [HU] Rába Dragon Boat Club (9h 37m 28s 13cs)
  2. [HU] Szeged Dragon Boat Club (10h 59m 33s 84ms)